
Thursday, January 24, 2008

Art Imitating Life? Or is it the Other Way Around?

Such a proud moment for a photographer! They say that imitation is the deepest form of flattery, and in this case it was felt 10 fold seeing as it was my son doing the imitating. I love it when my kids show me what they've learned through observation. We'll have to work on his technique a little, but I must say it's a promising start! ;)

We took a few moments after that snap was taken to have a little old-fashioned fun. No matter what the source, genuine laughter is so magical when captured through the lens! These are the images I keep coming back to and truly cherish. A real smile - whether in person or in a photograph - is always, always infectious.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Motel, Food & Gas

We drive by this sign in Vars many, many times a week and I've often wanted to pull over and photograph it. Well, I got my chance this afternoon when my husband stopped to fill up our family-mobile. The sign is two-sided (one side is english and the other is french), and I'm intrigued by the fact that they did not place the words in the same order on both sides... Isn't it strange what we notice when we take a few seconds to really observe our surroundings?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Bandages Make Everything Better

Just a short post today...

Remember when you were a kid and all it took to make the world better again was a kiss and a bandage?

Honestly, as a mom of 3, I'm not sure how I'd survive without those little sterile miracle strips!

Sam stepped on something this morning (I'm still not sure what it was) and came to me in tears looking for comfort. I'm happy to report that the wound was superficial, and everyone is going to be just fine. :)

Monday, January 14, 2008

Winter Wedding

This fabulous couple had some special reasons for moving up the date on what was going to be a January wedding abroad. They were married in their home in mid-December instead, and it was completely apparent that where or when they tied the knot didn't matter - they simply belong together. There was a special buzz throughout the house the entire time we were there, and it was such a privilege to be present to witness you both promise each other your forever. Congratulations to both of you, and a heartfelt thank you for having us there!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

It's a Dog's Life

It must be tough being a 1 year old golden retriever in a house with 3 children. Haha! Oh wait - I think it's probably tougher on me than on any of them! :)

This is Memphis, our beloved family pet. Most of his evenings are spent doing exactly this after playing with our 3 kids and putting up with their "affections". He's such a fabulous companion! We are all just completely in love!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Another Little Lady (Bug)

I completely love it when an unexpected photo opportunity presents itself. I guess you could say that's really what drives me to want to take photographs at all... being able to take an otherwise ordinary moment and turn it into something cool. It's so much fun to have a tool (the camera, of course) that allows me to see the world from a whole new perspective - I almost feel like a child again!

This little lady (bug) was sitting on the spray bottle that I was going to use to clean our kitchen table this afternoon. Instead of getting rid of it like I usually do with critters, I pulled out the camera! My daugther loves the photo, and she learned that the white spots are not the ladybug's eyes. :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Happy New Year!

It's hard to believe 2008 is already here. A fresh new year! It's time for resolutions (which we may or may not follow) and new beginnings for so many more things than I could possibly mention. I hope 2008 brings everyone health, happiness and prosperity!

After a hiatus over the holiday season, I bring you a couple who are looking forward to one of the very best beginnings to a new year - a brand new life! This couple was absolutely amazing to work with... Sometimes I'll walk into a home and just know that we are going to click - this was the case with M & K.

I anxiously await the call letting me know that their sweet new baby has arrived and cannot wait to work with all of them again! What a way to start the year!