
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ho! Ho! Home?

The Cantin household received a very special guest this morning! The town food drive was in full swing, and when everyone's favorite man in red noticed our three munchkins sitting in the living room bay window he came to the door! At first, Emily wasn't sure if she should go... "But, I'm in my pyjamas! " she wildly exclaimed. We quickly settled her fears by explaining that Santa truly wouldn't mind - it was Sunday morning, afterall. He handed each child a piece of candy, gave Memphis' fur a quick rustle and was on his way to visit the other neighborhood children. Living in a small town sure does have its perks!


Anonymous said...

Oh my! That deffinately is a perk!
I never had Santa come knocking at my door! I'm glad your kids enjoyed
it! = )

Eric the grease monkey said...

Yeah, Santa sure knows where Emily, Luc and Sam live. Time will tell if he saw them being naughty or nice... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Love your Santa image here!!!
I love the holidays and love that they are here once again!
Thanks for your post!
-Melissa E Earle