
Thursday, March 27, 2008

What Happens When...

... you let kids be kids? Their personalities shine through and they show you just how amazingly fun they can be. :) The kids and I slipped away to have a little fun in front of the camera this evening, and of course we ended up with a few outtakes. As I sat down to take a look at the photos, I was drawn not to the images that were perfectly posed with not a hair out of place, but to the images that told me a story about who each one of them truly is. Honestly, these images are just perfect to me and will likely find a place on my walls.

Of course, when you make it fun, sometimes they'll cooperate and give you a few serious moments, too...

I so love what I do!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Ohhhhh Mama!

A quick sneak peek from my most recent maternity session. This couple was so much fun to work with, and the best part is that I will be going back to shoot their newborn - PLUS I get the privilege to watch the baby grow throughout his or her (it's still a surprise!) first year! I'm so excited! Thank you M & J for inviting me into your home and making me feel so welcome. I look forward to seeing you both again!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back to School

Last week we "celebrated" spring break with the kids. To be honest, it went by waaaay too quickly. My husband took the week off from work, and we spent a lot of time just being a family. On Friday we decided to treat the kids to a movie (well, our friend was nice enough to give my husband a gift card to the cinema as thanks for helping him out with some car trouble so it was really his treat, but I digress...). It was opening day for Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who and we really thought we couldn't go wrong. Wrong! Very, very wrong! My husband and I both struggled to stay awake and at one point our middle child - who usually has no problem sitting through a feature length film - tapped me on the shoulder and informed me he wanted to go play. So, for all the parents out there considering taking their children to a movie - I highly recommend you wait for something else. If you decide to go anyway, don't say I didn't warn you!

Here are just a few photos of my brood hanging out and enjoying each other last week.

And upon picking this one up from school this afternoon, a little boy from her class proudly came up to me and declared that she is his girlfriend! I think he just might need to clear that with her father. Haha!

I hope everyone has had a painless transition to the kids going back to school this week.

Check back soon to see some previews from a recent maternity session!