Last week we "celebrated" spring break with the kids. To be honest, it went by waaaay too quickly. My husband took the week off from work, and we spent a lot of time just being a family. On Friday we decided to treat the kids to a movie (well, our friend was nice enough to give my husband a gift card to the cinema as thanks for helping him out with some car trouble so it was really
his treat, but I digress...). It was opening day for Dr. Seuss' Horton Hears a Who and we really thought we couldn't go wrong. Wrong! Very, very wrong! My husband and I both struggled to stay awake and at one point our middle child - who usually has no problem sitting through a feature length film - tapped me on the shoulder and informed me he wanted to go play. So, for all the parents out there considering taking their children to a movie - I highly recommend you wait for something else. If you decide to go anyway, don't say I didn't warn you!
Here are just a few photos of my brood hanging out and enjoying each other last week.

And upon picking this one up from school this afternoon, a little boy from her class proudly came up to me and declared that she is his girlfriend! I think he just might need to clear that with her father. Haha!

I hope everyone has had a painless transition to the kids going back to school this week.
Check back soon to see some previews from a recent maternity session!