
Thursday, February 28, 2008

Another Beautiful Mother-to-be

I had such a great time doing this session! This couple is expecting their first and if she turns out to be anything like her parents, the world is in for an extra special treat! I truly cannot wait to meet her!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Cabin Fever?

So, we've had a wicked spell of c-c-c-cold weather recently, and I must admit that I'm as sick of winter as the next guy. It's true: we Canadians enjoy complaining about the weather, no matter what the season.

Saturday morning, however, I was treated to a beautiful sight while en route to a session. We had received a very fine snowfall that covered everything, and the scenery looked completely surreal...

I think I hate winter a little less after getting the chance to take these, so maybe I'll stop complaining about it... at least for a couple of days.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Baby G and His Big Sister E.

I am so pleased to have had the honour of photographing these two cuties! E and I played some hide & seek and baby G was just sweet as can be. I thank this wonderful family for welcoming me into their home.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Baby E

It seems each time I went for a session with this family mother nature decided it was a great time to dump some snow on us! Thankfully my cars made it through the weather on both days!

This is baby E. Such a sweet little man. Thank you M&K for allowing me into your home and sharing him with me!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

How about this snow?

Just a couple of snapshots from this past weekend to show everyone what our front yard looks like (please excuse the unsightly power lines!). For reference, my husband is about 6'1". It seems like every time the weather man has called for snow, we've gotten a few centimetres more than what was forecast... I really think I'm ready for it to all melt away...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Instead of going out and purchasing commercial cards for the kids to hand out this year, I prepared some photo cards featuring my favorite recent photos of them to share with their friends. You can't get more personal than that! These kinds of custom cards are also fabulous for birth announcements, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, birthday invitations... you name it! We can do them in several different designs, formats and sizes - give us a shout if you'd like more details.

I hope everyone has a great day filled with the sweetness of chocolate treats and (most of all) love! Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Friday, February 8, 2008

This Little Piggy...

If you haven't already noticed by looking at the photos here on my blog and the photos in my portfolio, I have a BIG thing for itty bitty feet. What is it about those ten little piggies that turn me into such a sucker every time I see them? In all honesty, I'm not quite sure. It could be that they go from being these tiny little things that aren't much use to a newborn (but are adorable to look at nonetheless), and they transform into a 6 month old's greatest discovery. Later on as a one year old, that baby's first steps will take him on the biggest adventure of his life, and then as a toddler they'll allow him to jump higher than he ever has before! When he grows older and joins little league, these same two feet will be what he uses to slide into home for his first home run, dance with a girl at his first school dance, and they'll be used to finally press the gas and break (and clutch!) pedals when he learns to drive his parents' car. Not too long after that, they'll help him take that well deserved walk across the stage to accept his diploma... and we won't even talk about the day he gets married! Then, before anyone knows it, those feet will be pacing the halls with anticipation as he awaits the arrival of his own little miracle - and then he'll get to watch her follow the footsteps he has left behind him.

Ah, little feet... they have such a big job ahead of them.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Change is Good for the Soul

Welcome to the new look of Stephanie Cantin Photography! Our site has also been updated with new photos, so click the link under my mug (uh huh, right there on the right! You know you want to!).

We'd like to celebrate our new look by adding even more fresh faces! If you've been thinking about booking a session, NOW is the time to do it! For all NEW clients who book between now and February 15th (sessions must be held before March 31st, weddings excluded), I will be slashing the session fees in half! That's right - you will get 50% off of your session fee! As always, you will pay no session fees with any collection, so they are obviously not included either (unless you really want to pay half of the session fee anyway). ;)

Email or call ASAP to get in on this fabulous deal!