
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sweet, Sweet Baby... Indeed!

This little guy was such a joy to photograph. He was sleeping when I arrived and after a very brief "warm up" (or should I say, undress...) he was ready to go. He was such a patient little soul. I am still very impressed by how easy-going he was. Thank you S & S for allowing me into your home today. It was truly a pleasure to meet all three of you!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Post, Just For Em!

Emily finally gets her post and it's obvious she's feeling much better! We got a chance to get some photos done for her birthday party invitations... These were my favorites. Everyone will have to wait to find out which one(s) actually make it onto the invites though. ;)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Yet Another Snow Day... And it's Only December 3rd?!

Of course, the best place to be on a snow day is out in the snow, right? Unfortunately, none of us will be heading out there today. The stomach flu has found all three kids, starting with Em on Friday, so we're staying cozy inside our warm house watching movies and catching up on the sleep we've lost over the past few nights. My husband is working from home today, and now has a better appreciation for how difficult that can be with three inquisitive youngsters around. So... seeing as we can't romp in the fluffy white blanket covering our little part of the earth, I'm posting a couple of shots of my resting boys. Emily will soon have her own dedicated post - as soon as I get her photos done for her birthday invitations! ;)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Lady In Red

This sweet little girl was so much fun! Doesn't she look like a little porcelain doll in her beautiful red dress? How could you not fall in love? She was full of inquisitiveness and hugs - a true joy to be around. A huge thank you to the family for such a wonderful session. :)

Monday, November 26, 2007

Pssst! In Case You Didn't Notice...

...that's a photo of Santa in my previous entry. This can only mean one thing. Christmas is coming - and fast! Have you started thinking about your preparations?

I realize that some of you out there may be looking for that perfect gift for someone who is terribly difficult to shop for... You can't bear to buy them another sweater (because you know they'll either return it or stash it in the closet!), they already have drawers and drawers of socks and aren't really into electronics... So what now? Well, I've decided to offer a smoking deal on gift certificates this holiday season. :) $175 will get you a regular session and $100 towards à la carte prints if you purchase your gift certificate by December 7th! Easy as pie. You get someone one of the most personal gifts out there, and you're almost assured that no one else in the family has thought of it. Now don't you look brilliant? ;) Anyone interested can simply visit my site (the link is up there, right under my mug shot) and use the contact form to request more information.

So, now that you're shopping is started, why not kick back and relax. You've earned it!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Ho! Ho! Home?

The Cantin household received a very special guest this morning! The town food drive was in full swing, and when everyone's favorite man in red noticed our three munchkins sitting in the living room bay window he came to the door! At first, Emily wasn't sure if she should go... "But, I'm in my pyjamas! " she wildly exclaimed. We quickly settled her fears by explaining that Santa truly wouldn't mind - it was Sunday morning, afterall. He handed each child a piece of candy, gave Memphis' fur a quick rustle and was on his way to visit the other neighborhood children. Living in a small town sure does have its perks!

Saturday, November 24, 2007


That's right! We've jumped on the blog train! How fitting since those of you who have visited our home know that the train passes through Limoges on a regular basis! :) Honestly, what better way is there for me to keep up with my large extended family, my friends, and of course, my clients? This is where I will be sharing favorites from my recent sessions and, well, favorites from my own personal photographic collection of family treasures. To my customers: I felt it was only fair that since you allow me into your homes and lives, I do the same for you. So, bookmark us, settle in and enjoy! I promise to do my best to keep the content fresh - just like the beautiful snow we've received over the past few days! And on that note - here are some photos of Sam, our youngest son, playing in the glorious white stuff after dropping off his big brother and sister at school on Wednesday morning!